Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The days have been real nice here this week. Not too hot and you know it's not too cold! Thank goodness! We can stand outside and be very comfortable. The past week was very warm and sticky so  I am hoping the good weather will stick around for a while. I've been trying to get out on deck to watch the sunset here but the skies are very cloudy lately. I'm not sure if it's true but people have been saying it's the winds from the Sahara desert blowing our way and  that is why it's not too hot as well. ??
Today and yesterday were crazy days at the dental clinic. Almost every patient we saw, we sang hallelujah after finishing. So nice to get back to the ship and get clean after work. :)
The food on board the ship is not bad! But I have to say I miss my own cooking.We have a crew galley available to all of us to use. And in the ship shop that we can purchase things for baking/cooking along with many other necessities. I have chocolate kisses with me. And I have friends that have never had peanut butter blossom cookies! So I must introduce them to my favorite cookies!
I went to the marketplace on Saturday with 2 other girls. I have to say I did not enjoy it at all. :( I was expecting a nice experience like in Nicaragua or Guatemala. Nope! The people hounded me everywhere I went. I told them I was just looking but they were extremely pushy people. Come look at my shop.. Looking is free.. on and on.. So.. I won't be doing much shopping if that's the way it is here.:(
One of the day workers shared some African food with me today. Some rice with a tomato paste(with spices) and fish. I liked the tomato stuff a lot! So good!:) There is a little restaurant right next to our clinic that all of our day workers(volunteers) get their lunch. I may have to check it out myself sometime. So far I still have not tried the fufu food. The team leader of our dental group said he could take us out sometime to try it. :) With a name like fufu... I'm rather curious!

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