Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Arrival into Lome:)

I arrived late Monday night into Lome, Togo after crazy flight problems. :) I met up with 2 other dental assistants in the airport and 2 nurses. After a 20 minute drive  we made it to the ship and I was given a quick orientation and a warning about the next mornings fire drill. :) Tuesday  more orientation..I've now been clued in about life on a ship... Two minute showers... At least they are not cold too.. :) I've already met so many amazing people! I keep meeting more at each turn.
Today (Wednesday) we had a screening day for all hospital surgery patients. We traveled in Land Rovers 30 minutes or so to a soccer stadium(we left the ship wicked early.. I got up at 4:30 ugh*). There we split up into groups to pray for the day and patients and then to do the screening. My job was to escort patients from the nurses, in charge of scheduling, to the pharmacy people. It was an awesome but exhausting day. Working close with the nurses,  I was amazed by the amount  of compassion and kindness that radiated out of them to the patients. So many wonderful people here! I'm getting to finally see this organization for myself and it's more amazing that I thought!
Tomorrow I get to see the dental clinic for the first time. I'll have orientation there and see what else happens.:)

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