Saturday, January 21, 2012

I'm preparing for the trip that is now just a week away! So much to do in so little time. So many people that I want to see before I leave.  I never thought there would be so many things to do before leaving for 5 months! My room is a HUGE disaster area..Maybe my next free night I will actually get some cleaning done. :)
I'm thinking about how much I will miss my little dog that is sleeping next to me as I write. 
Also thinking about how AMAZING my mother is. If not for her support I would not be going on this trip so easily. She has made my busy life so much easier to handle! I'm going to miss her a lot! And also she is my editor so.. These blogs may be very rough reading. :) I apologize.:)

So, what is Mercy-ships? Mercy-ships is an awesome global organization that travels to 3rd world countries(they are based on the coast of West Africa right now) and provides free medical care for people in dire need. Along with that they have programs for  community development, agriculture training, water projects, and mental health programs. AIDS/HIV prevention and care to terminally ill patients in developing nations around the world. This organization provides surgeries and health care to correct or otherwise aid blindness, corneal growths & crossed eyes, deformities, tumors, cleft lip/palate, congenital abnormalities, burns & leprosy, oral disease, dental, extractions & procedures, oral hygiene education, and childbirth injuries.
(I borrowed that from their website) 

Check them out! :) I just love what they are doing and can't wait to join them!
My next post will be updating you when I arrive in Togo, West Africa!
Thanks again to everyone that has been supportive of my trip and is praying for me! May God bless you!
<3 Karen